20 April, 2012

Power Thought of the Day

I am not limited by any past thinking.  I choose my own thoughts with care.  I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.  I am willing to change and grow.

"It's only a thought, and a thought can change"

19 April, 2012

Mothership Memo to Cam

me and my bebe, cam, at whale tale park in west seattle

dadda and grandma took you to see dr. hott for your 9 month wellness exam - i had to call and conference in on the telephone because of work.  as suspected, you over acheived, growing a whopping 7 inches in 3.5 months and gaining 4 pounds.. (height 98.7%, weight 87.9%).  i hope mama's massages are helpin you with the growing pains i'm sure you're having.  we have a green light to feed you table food now... so far you've tried and loved - eggs with cheddar cheese, toast w/ peanut butter, yogurt, pancakes, eggo waffles, french toast, mac and cheese, carrots, apples, banana's, oatmeal.  

you were born to eat, but need to stop the new fad of spitting food at us when we feed you.. new stuff:  feeding yourself finger foods, four new top teeth, drinking from sippy cup, rash on face from teething (poor baby!), spending play time outside, swings and slides at whale tale park.  you r talking so much, and so close to walking. any day now! you understand a lot of things me and dada say to you:

wanna take a bath
are you hungry
where are you going
where's the kitty
i'm gonna tickle you
come to mama
open it / close it
lets get dressed
bye bye
did you do you're business (which you laugh if there is poopy pants invovled!)

such a happy baby, bringing so much joy  and love to our family. we love you so much.  oh, and another thing!  boy are you a climber, lets learn to walk before climb please! thank you!

10 + 7 + 5

So, I'm working on the following journal project.  Life is such a trip.  You take the same life, of the same person, and look at it a different way and all of a sudden, BAM!, a different life.  It's all so trivial and objective.  The only thing absolute is the intangible - family, love, faith, etc. It makes my mind-meld and fuse when I think of it like that. It almost feels like a chemical or molecular change happens when I accept this absolute truth. Things that make you go hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Ten 10 Moments: In every person's life, there have been moments, both positive and negative, that have defined and redefined who you are. Those events entered your consciousness with such power that they changed the very core of who and what you thought you were. A part of you was changed by those events, and caused you to define yourself, to some degree by your experience of that event.

7 Critical Choices: There are a surprisingly small number of choices that rise to the level of life-changing ones. Critical choices are those that have changed your life, positively or negatively, and are major factors in determining who and what you will become. They are the choices that have affected your life up to today, and have set you on a path.

5 Pivotal People: These are the people who have left indelible impressions on your concept of self, and therefore, the life you live. They may be family members, friends or co-workers, and their influences can be either positive or negative. They are people who can determine whether you live consistently with your authentic self, or instead live a counterfeit life controlled by a fictional self that has crowded out who you really are.

Power Thought of the Day

Taken on Our Honeymoon
Landing in Maui, Hawaii
The ocean of life is lavish with it's abundance. 
All of my needs and desires are met before I even ask. 
My good comes from everywhere, everyone and everything.
There is plenty for everyone, including me.

... and where is there a place more abundant and alive than Hawaii, our planet is born and rests in the Hi'iaka (mother's bosom) of Pele.  Picture appropriate, check.