28 November, 2005

textbook gemini

gemini girl, born to san francisco, lives in west seattle, committed to my husband, my mom is my hero, my dad is a warrior, my brother is NOT a statistic, but my twin can be evil. i'm quick.wittted & smart.ass'd, i only say 15% of what i think, i think all best friends should be furry, i allow myself to be myself, i love to learn that i am wrong, i say what i feel and feel what i say, i can type 85 words a minute, i've kept 17 years of journals, its always been hard for me to fall asleep, i have lived on maui for 2 years, and i've been a river rat in coloma, california, i'm your friendly neighborhood barista, and i have no doubt that OJ is guilty or that bush lies. i believe laughter is medicine, i read lots of books at once, i wanna be a race car driver, i'm an addict trying to recover, i'm an eighth grade drop out and i'm also a 4.0 college graduate, i believe what you mean is what you get, i cheer for the underdogs, i'm inpatient as a mutha fucka, i can fix my vw jetta myself, i hate telephones, i am a wicked fire starter, i mix records on technics 1200's, i've been a battered woman, i am queen of paralell parking, i have the gift of gab, i treasure the few friends i have, creative people rule!, i don't care what you think, plants are my friends, i drew my own tattoo, i think drunk drivers are dumb, i love to look at the moon, i'm glad my brother is a kick ass DJ, i can be flippant, i know women could run this place better then men have, all my dreams are vivid, i dance for therapy, i think almond joy kicks mound's ass, i've sold myself short for a lot of years, i wonder who has been thru what i've been thru, i'll never forget 9.11, i think it should be about the music, i will punch you if you don't go away, i think stupidity should be painful, i think that not caring can be fun, i can be unapproachable, i wonder why college costs too much, i think EQUIFAX is satan, intuition is key, we should legalize it! i have a rose garden, i can be loved unconditionally, its a miracle im still here, my dad's x-wife(s)(s)(s) scare me about getting married, i have watched THE WALL hudreds of times so far... and i think U2 is the world's best band, my favorite color is purple, i love to eat little debbies boston creme pies, i am a soda head, i think young skinny bitches don't know shit, everybody should pay attention to the signs, i do too many things at once, i worry about our planet, i believe headphones make it better, i go to the beach to think, i use to work for lawyers, and now i know lawyers are crooks, i take great pride in my home, i am the somewhat sane when im at home, the number one rule in north america.. don't get into a strangers car, i need to practice breathing, i know there is a better place, i love loud music, i've never cheated on a partner, i seldomly return phone calls, my life is at a crossroads, i spoil my feet, i am a clothes whore, i found out that stalkers are over rated, my hands are double jointed, i've written hundreds of poems, i'm interested in graphic design, most people don't get me, i have secrets, i use it for good, and not for evil, i floss my teeth, i see change as opportunity, i believe in astrology, i think we live in irony, and in a time of many houses and broken homes.

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