27 July, 2011

Rise Up

Crush orange veils allow her to hide,
White hot flames forgive as she secretly cries.
Eager to feel it, eager to sting,
Preferring pain to not a fucking thing.

Her Desire…..

Enticing winds, to carry her high….. and, then higher.
Lightning bolts strike, angry winds roar,
Treat the rogue wind as a friend to gracefully soar.

wind her blood,
her beat, energizing her soul,
reviving her feet….
Cartwheels to tumbles… now, mortal ground,
Dark wings retract – a new will is found.
Red to Maroon.
Angst to Love.
Raw yet refined
A Fenix to a dove.


Is there a difference in trusting someone and trusting in someone? I am a believer that there is a difference. I seem to be putting my trust into people. The wrong people.

What does that say about me? Am I expecting people to do what they say they will do, when I should be doing them for myself? It seems when I trust in someone there is something they have that I think I need, or something I have that I want them to take away.. whether feelings of loneliness, validation, shame, guilt, or forgiveness. Its a new way to see things.

If I ask someone why they weren't trustworthy or why they did not follow through with what they said, usually they would tell me they're trying their best. And then say, “if that wasn't good enough for you – then that's your problem”. True. But if I look at it longer I see/hear something different. When I look at it without expectation I understand a person who is trying their best, isn't doing their best.

Trust isn't something that is given, or earned. Trust is inherent in the soul. Either you trust or you do not. Its poor judgment that causes my trust to be placed recklessly. I am prone to ignoring an inward intuition and instead become a victim of my poor judgment, not of others trustworthiness. An empowering concept.

I'm not interpreting my own needs and universal signs that will lead me to place my trust within myself, first. That trust can not be broken, only ignored and neglected.

Being a new mom has helped me see that I need to correct this pattern. When I look at my son. I trust something bigger than myself. I trust the gift given from a higher power, that I am capable of providing all he needs. When I feel overwhelmed, and I do, a lot, I find solace in this thought. I trust that I will meet all of his needs today. I trust in all that is good.

I trust that my experiences today will lead me to a greater understanding that will lead to a greater wisdom, that will become a part of my conscience.

Trust in oneself.

18 July, 2011

my 'lil man

Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day I love you more.


Through misty eyes, I dim the light,
I whisper, "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journeys begin,
My heart's yours forever my little man.