31 May, 2007

Flailers Beware

This is just a friendly reminder to all of those people out there who borrow somebody's computer and then forget to sign out and/or log off of whatever it was that you were doing last. Casue somebody like me (Solomon) will go on to what ever it was that you were doing last and (as a joke or payback) change something or make you look stupid. ie; myspace is my favorite one to change cause people don't usually check out their own page and what changes you make can pretty much be there long enough for many people to view. Changes such as the sexual preference, etc. So Mel Spiker, let this be a lesson to you. And all who read this..........lol

Fortunately for Mel, she's never done anything to me to deserve such a thing and that is why I am just posting this letter.

dance party usa

Dance Party USA went off without a hitch - hosted by the fiercest bitch, downunder. Spiker and Kipp were at the wheels of steel - a mini fly-girl was busting moves, fix was gettin' her kix, twan.... well, he didn't get none (hehe), 2 girls assed out face down ass up - all the boys scream "thats the way we like to fuk!" Westside Represent... boooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! m.